Last X Enterprise LTSC x64 (1809-Redstone)

Discussion in 'LastX' started by The Freezer, Apr 3, 2024.

  1. The Freezer

    The Freezer Just this guy, you know Staff Member

    April 2024 Edition
    • LastX-Redstone-Ent-x64-FM.iso
      Based on: Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC Version 1809 Redstone 5 (OS Build 17763.805)
      October 2018 Supported until January 9, 2029
      User password: "trs10"
      Torrent: LastX-Redstone-Ent-x64-FM.iso.torrent
      Size: 3.45 GB (3,741,188,096 bytes)
      MD5: 894de64e68623e6d733c8bd390670a90
      BitTorrent Info Hash v1: d96c4bfe294af9566652725c8e86674ce6c8b55a
      BitTorrent Info Hash v2: 1220f53dff229f4410cb6fab521c6b48475e298b568c7bfabaa0b25df41c683be849
      eMule: ed2k://|file|LastX-Redstone-Ent-x64-FM.iso|3741188096|652BF26CB36215119FEF5A9E9A7D8C0A|h=ODNZGWFT6GJQAVJLWTUI4JY3A77AUDUS​
    • LastX-Plus!.Freezer.Pack.iso
      Torrent: LastX-Plus!.Freezer.Pack.iso.torrent
      Size: 1.53 GB (1,647,247,360 bytes)
      MD5: c47cc4a210107f1571f0d59e322f6a1d
      BTIHv1: cadb3b3cfe786d17cff3f0de1e158c6db3b57529
      BTIHv2: 2154f7ad2b6a0792f65db4273743f3b3dde5f54a7a22f419bcd9c0ae50b02b51
      eMule Link: ed2k://|file|LastX-Plus!.Freezer.Pack_2024-03-27.iso|1647247360|C4BFC41FB51816B921F0F2F564B64D18|h=F2QHGGAX32CEN3KYXMT62KYTWQGIJNN7|/​


    Share and Enjoy!


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    pacav69, Glenn, Ghost and 2 others like this.
  2. Ghost

    Ghost Forum Crapolator

    To bad I had to upgrade from 1809 to a newer ( win 10 Pro ) for a few months ( over 2 years ago ) as my paid for stuff was updated and I was like SHEESH.

    But 10 LTSC ver 21H2 came out and I was all good.
    Steve Hedges likes this.
  3. unitop4


    Looks good. Have it on dual boot with Last11
  4. Glenn

    Glenn Administrator Staff Member

    Cool, will grab and leave some feedback tomorrow :)

    WOW! the Mule is still kicking? I've not seen a ed2k link for years.
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2024
  5. The Freezer

    The Freezer Just this guy, you know Staff Member

    LOL, yep. It's the fifth most downloaded project on SourceForge.
  6. Glenn

    Glenn Administrator Staff Member

    Quick check (need to play on real hardware later on)

    I found it strange that ssWPI is used to install a few compulsory apps then you also use First/Post Logon cmd to install a few more, can't they all be in one method? or did you want the Fadeitaners?

    I really like the Progress popup telling you what going on, that might be a good idea to incorporate into all LastOS's, looks cleaner and lets the user know it's still doing stuff.

    Updates worked fine but the first time I opened settings I got a FrameApplication CMD window that stays open (might be a fluke, will try as see again on the next fresh install).

    You have accidently pinned Control panel on the taskbar twice... BUT I really love your choices to include ThisPC, Bin and Library down there, makes more sense having them there than on the desktop as you can click to them without having to show the desktop in some way and it beats having just the explorer pin as that opens to stupid places as well as your ThisPC pin lets you go to PC properties and access the right click menu - so will need to see about adding that to mine.

    I don't know why it bugs me so much, but the Aero has an underlying shine picture that when you move windows it stays in position, I much prefer when the position follows the window, is there a setting to make that happen?

    I like the feel of the whole OS, it feels like using Windows 7 and the network tool you include makes finding the IP address etc so much easier and useful than the built in Win 8, 10 and 11 ones, it's like they don't want you to know it (ipconfig /all is easier than using the GUI now days).

    There was no reason to include all the different sized wallpapers in the Web\4k folder, you only need the biggest one and it scales down fine (not important, just noticed that all the images were just the same one).

    Thanks for taking the time to make a useful OS and sharing the features and tricks you use yourself, it's very interesting to see how you like your PC to behave and I will be adding some to my own builds (if I can figure out how you pin items to the taskbar (that stumped me once before :D).

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    The Freezer likes this.
  7. Trouba

    Trouba Administrator Staff Member

    Had the same, a very populated CMD window popped up at some point.

    I also noticed that the Explorer item on taskbar was set to show This PC (it showed as such under Explorer options) but instead it opened Libraries. But it also has a This PC taskbar item in addition, so I wasn't sure how that was. EDIT: Okay, it uses the Explorer icon that in Win11 is designated to be the Explorer item, so that explains my initial confusion.

    I also noticed the Settings window does not have the min/max/exit buttons, probably due to Aero Glass, I'm guessing? It's the same when changing it to Dark mode. I'm thinking it's Aero Glass causing that as the Settings window has the trans bars on each side of it (not all the way around) so it is impacting the Settings window to some degree. I did see Winaero Tweaker present, but I wasn't sure if it was preconfigured by you to do anything or just added as a tool.

    Unfortunately, when changing to Dark mode, Explorer has those light bars, but that's a Win10 thing in general, just would have been nice if Win10 could do a good dark mode like Win11 has. That can only be resolved by using some modified files in Win10, I think, which isn't worth messing with due to updates etc.

    It's kinda neat to see the Win7-like aero effects again. And that would be the only way to achieve that if systems can't run Win7 anymore or else Win10+ is required for newer apps, etc. And Win7 doesn't have many good dark themes, even if implementation is better/easier), so keeping with the light theme for this build is the way to go for sure as there's the Win10 limitations for dark themes, also. If Dark is set under Personlization->Colors, then the folder/file text in explorer remains black (meaning black against dark, so not legible) so Dark won't work regardless. Not sure why that is.

    It looks like only ssApps are included in the Freezer.Pack. Is this because you are now using only the PortableApps platform (the ones that has been showing up in repo) and aren't using ppApps as such anymore?

    Classic Task Manager is nice to see, that really makes it look like Win7.

    I guess you chose "ignore startmenu defaults" for start menu sorting, as it did have some of the LastOS start menu categories present (- Internet, and - System) but the rest was unsorted.
    The Freezer and Steve Hedges like this.
  8. The Freezer

    The Freezer Just this guy, you know Staff Member

    Thanks, I really hadn't expected such detailed reviews/criticisms. It's very helpful spotting what I did not myself. Will help improve the next revision. This release is a prototype I was working on several years ago before I got stalled, and I simply wiped off the dust and updated a few of the apps; so it's pretty much as I left it back then.

    @Glenn: For the taskbar, merely select "Desktop" toolbar (and Lock the taskbar after resizing it)

    @Trouba: It should have sorted most if not all to the LastOS startmenu. I found the sorting works best if everything is installed first and then sorted; rather than installing everything after installing the startmenu style.

    Much of the funkiness is caused by AeroGlass, yes. But this 1809 LTSC was as far as BigMuscle got before he disappeared a few years back, and it is supported until January 2029. Perhaps WindowsBlinds will work better with the more recent LTSC that's supported until 2032 (only 3 years extra over 1809's EOL).

    I still have quite a few ppApps I use on a daily basis many of which work much better as ppApps such as email clients, e-readers, or file-sharing apps. If they are system-beneficial then my preferences lean more towards ssApps especially file or disk utilities (searching, renaming, cleaning, etc.), or browser-related.

    Trouba likes this.
  9. Trouba

    Trouba Administrator Staff Member

    The start menu sorting never worked right for us either, but Glenn made this SFX .exe that is placed in $PostLogonApps that now does the trick -- packed it as .7z for the attachment.

    Attached Files:

    Glenn and The Freezer like this.
  10. Glenn

    Glenn Administrator Staff Member

    Yes I also had to use the newer SetupS where I opened the Gate so it will sort every app, regardless of the Arch specified as it wasn't sorting the x86 apps on x64 systems at all, I didn't know at that stage why freezer had stopped working with SetupS and I couldn't work the beast out that he has created, the logic hurt my brain, so I just remarked the gate test out entirely and put a comment saying I had done so. it will break the system separation that freezer put all his time in perfecting, but I personally and trouba too obviously, require a sorted menu and was willing to drop that feature for it.. so I am sorry for that but I had no other choice, was that or leave it as it was.
  11. vanTorX

    vanTorX Member

    It is refreshing to see activity on Last10 front, thumbs up for Freezer (y).
    I will check it out in VM but after reading the thread, I hope it will get polished a bit. First upload always ends up many things wanting, I know that from experience myself, when I upload something on other sites (gaming), often I find out immediately I forgot this or that and wish to cancel the upload, then I just do version 1.1 ;)

    After installing Last11 on one of my secondary computers, I still use win10 for my daily work and I think I will stick with it for the foreseeable time.
    At some point back I settled on using win10 2016 that someone else out there configured and preinstalled office 2019 on it and I just used last10 tweaks on it, however I wouldn't mind switching to more later date win10 like this one.

    Torrent seeding is excellent but the speed is spiking on and off (I think it only goes up to 1.5 MiB/s, not those high values that touch on 7.5 MiB/s. Is that from your forum host?
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2024
  12. Ghost

    Ghost Forum Crapolator

    Last edited: Apr 13, 2024
  13. Ghost

    Ghost Forum Crapolator

    I am even getting the above ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  14. Steve Hedges

    Steve Hedges belveder

    Was going to grab this since the topic started on my birthday but then I saw it's a prototype so i didn't lol.

    Thanks though, it's refreshing to see Win 10 stuff

    Can't wait for the final

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